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Ukrainian New Testament (Modern Translation)

Discover the Ukrainian New Testament (Modern Translation) and support refugees from Ukraine.

Ukrainian New Testament (Modern Translation)


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ISBN: 9789664120897

Pages: 336

Dimensions: 180 x 120

Format: Paperback

Please enter promotional code RESPONSE22 at the checkout to order your Scripture resources for free. Limit of five per product.

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A modern translation New Testament in paperback format.

We want to help Christians working with refugees from Ukraine in their ministry. Thanks to donations from our supporters, we're able to offer free copies of Ukrainian and Russian Scriptures and resources to individuals and churches that can use them.

You can receive up to five copies free – all we ask is that you are, or know you're going to be, actively involved with refugees and will have a use for them (for larger orders call us on 01793 418222 or use the  Get in touch form, selecting the Online Shop option from the drop-down menu).

We also have copies in Ukrainian or Russian of  Beyond Disaster: A Survivor’s Guide to Spiritual First Aid, a Bible-based resource aimed at providing spiritual first aid to people who’ve been affected by tragedy.  You can  for free now.

This initiative is just part of our response to the war in Ukraine. You can find out more, including how to donate, on our Ukraine page.


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